For products: mds806100d, mds806150n, mds806150d, mds806150nvy, mds806150rby, mds806200d, mds806200nvy, mds806200rby, mds806250n, mds806250d, mds806250nvy. Have you ever read something you didn't fully understand, but when you saw a chart or graph the concept. Types of charts. Excel offers several ways to chart your data. Think of a chart as a tool that helps people visualize. The Chart toolbar. Excel 2000 offers. RUNNING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2000 takes you through the most used tasks and functions of Microsoft’s popular spreadsheet program. Whether you need quick, how-to instructions or in-depth answers to more advanced questions, this one-stop reference has the answers you need to work more productively—every day—with Excel. Excel 2000 is an important part of the Office 2000 program suite, and will be available in the Premium, Professional, Standard and Small Business editions of Office 2000. Excel has traditionally been the Office suite spreadsheet program par excellence. It still remains that way, but with Office 2000 there is a strong emphasis on between-application automation, ease of use, and the smart new bells and whistles that.
Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.
When you type a date using a two-digit year number (such as 98), Microsoft Excel uses specific rules to determine which century to use for the date. This article explains how Microsoft Excel determines the century.
More information
When you type a date in a cell, if you omit the century digits from the year, Excel automatically determines which century to use for the date.
For example, if you type 7/5/98, Excel automatically uses the year 1998 and changes the date to 7/5/1998 in the formula bar.
The following sections explain the default rules that Excel uses.
Using the Regional Settings in Control Panel
Excel first interprets dates according to the date ordering defined by the Short date style setting under Regional Settings in Control Panel, for example, M/d/yy.
If you are running Microsoft Windows 98 or later, you can use the When a two digit year is entered, interpret a year between setting under Regional Settings in Control Panel to determine the cutoff year for the century. The default value is 2029, but you can change this to any value between 99 and 9999.
Excel 2000 Xlsx
You can change the When a two digit year is entered, interpret a year between setting to a value that is not compatible with Excel. If you enter an incompatible value, Excel will revert to the rules discussed in the 'The 2029 Rule' section of this article.
To change the century cutoff date, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click the Regional Settings icon.
- Click the Date tab.
- In the When a two digit year is entered, interpret a year between box, type the cutoff year that you want, and then click OK.
The following table illustrates the effect that various cutoff years will have when you type a two-digit year in Excel:
Regional Settings
Setting | Date typed | Date used |
2039 | 9/7/70 | 9/7/1970 |
2039 | 2/3/27 | 2/3/2027 |
2075 | 9/7/70 | 9/7/2070 |
2099 | 2/3/27 | 2/3/2027 |
Excel 2000 Download
This will modify the way Excel interprets dates only when they are typed into a cell. If you import or programmatically enter a date, the following 2029 rule is always in effect.
The 2029 Rule
By default, Excel determines the century by using a cutoff year of 2029, which results in the following behavior:
Dates in the inclusive range from January 1, 1900 (1/1/1900) to December 31, 9999 (12/31/9999) are valid.
When you type a date that uses a two-digit year, Excel uses the following centuries:
Two-digit year typed Century used 00-29 21st (year 2000) 30-99 20th (year 1900) For example, when you type the following dates, Excel interprets these as follows:
Date typed Date used 7/4/00 7/4/2000 1/1/10 1/1/2010 12/31/29 12/31/2029 1/1/30 1/1/1930 7/5/98 7/5/1998 12/31/99 12/31/1999 If you want to type a date that is before January 1, 1930, or after December 31, 2029, you must type the full four-digit year. For example, to use the date July 4, 2076, type 7/4/2076.
Entering Dates That Contain Only Day/Month or Month/Year Components
So far, this article has discussed how Excel interprets three-part date entries that contain month, day, and year components. It is possible to enter a two-part date that contains only the day and month, or the month and year components of the date. Two-part dates are inherently ambiguous and should be avoided if possible. This section discusses how Excel handles date entries that contain only two parts.
When you enter a date that contains only two of the three date components, Excel assumes that the date is in the form of Day/Month or Month/Year. Excel first attempts to resolve the entry as a Day/Month entry in the current year. If it cannot resolve the entry in the Day/Month form, Excel attempts to resolve the entry in the Month/Year form, using the first day of that month. If it cannot resolve the entry in the Month/Year form, Excel interprets the entry as text.
The following table illustrates how Excel interprets various date entries that contain only two of the three date components.
This table assumes that the current year is 1999.
Entry | Resolution |
12/01 | 12/1/1999 |
12/99 | 12/1/1999 |
11/95 | 11/1/1995 |
13/99 | 13/99 (text) |
1/30 | 1/30/1999 |
1/99 | 1/1/1999 |
12/28 | 12/28/1999 |
This table illustrates how Excel stores the date, not how the date is displayed in the cell. The display format of the date varies according to the date formats that have been applied to the cell, and the current settings under Regional Settings in Control Panel.
AcuODBC User's Guide
Version 6.0
4.1.2 Accessing Data From Excel 97 and 2000
The following procedure describes how to access your COBOL data from Microsoft Excel 97 and Excel 2000, the spreadsheet components of Microsoft Office 97 and Office 2000, respectively. If you have a different version of Excel, use the procedures shown here to get an idea of the concepts involved in accessing COBOL data from within an Excel spreadsheet, but be aware that your steps may be slightly different.
Excel 2000 Combobox
- Start Excel. Excel automatically opens a new spreadsheet.
- Select Add-Ins from the Tools menu. If your MS Office menus are set to 'Show recently used commands first,' you may need to click on the expansion arrows at the bottom of the Tools menu to see the Mail Merge option.
- In the Add-Ins dialog box, select one of the following:
- If you are using Excel 2000, select the MS Query Add-In check box, and click OK. If this add-in does not appear on your list, reinstall Excel, being sure to select 'MS Query' from the list of functions to install.
- If you are using Excel 97, select ODBC Add-In. If this add-in does not appear on your list, you will need to reinstall Excel to add the ODBC component.
- Highlight Get External Data on the Data menu.
- In Excel 2000, select New DatabaseQuery.
- In Excel 97, select Create New Query.
- Select the DSN that corresponds to the data source you want to access and click OK. (Refer to section 3.1, 'Data Source Names (DSNs),' for instructions on creating DSNs.) If you want to use the sample DSN that comes with AcuODBC, select AcuODBC Datasource.
- From the Add Tables dialog box, select the table or tables that you want to add (for example, 'pets'), and click Add. Close the box when you're done.
- Double-click each column that you want to read into your Excel spreadsheet, and that column is displayed on the screen. If you want to add all columns, double-click the '*' at the top of the list box.
- To enter an SQL statement, click SQL on the button bar.
- In the SQL dialog box, type the SQL command you want to execute. Click OK when you're done. (For a description of the SQL commands supported by AcuODBC, refer to section 5.3, 'SQL Syntax Supported by AcuODBC.')
- Select Return Data to Microsoft Excel from the Microsoft Query File menu. A dialog box appears.
- Select where to put the data, and then click OK. Click Properties to select further options.
This starts Microsoft Query and opens the Choose Data Source dialog box.
If you want to use MS Query's 'Query Wizard' to create your SQL query, leave the 'Use Query Wizard' check box selected. Refer to MS Query's online documentation for instructions on using the Query Wizard.
For simplicity, deselect the Query Wizard check box.
For each table you selected, a list box is displayed on the MS Query screen. This list box lists all of the columns in the associated table.
You are returned to Excel. The data you selected is displayed in the current Excel spreadsheet.
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